"The IT Crowd" is a Channel 4 comedy which revolves around the IT department of a large company (Hence the name). I only had time to see the first episode of the first season called "Yesterdays Jam". It starts off with the one of the three protagonists, Jen Barber, blagging her way through an interview and managing to get a job as head of the IT Department.
We then meet the other two main characters, Roy Trenneman, and Maurice Moss. They are both in their office which is in the basement of the building that they are in. Roy is Irish, and a bit of a slob, and isn't the nicest person to the people that phone up asking for tech support. Moss, on the other hand, is a smartly dressed, well spoke, and enthusiastic person, with a deep knowledge of computers. Unfortunately he has absolutely no social skills whatsoever.
When Jen becomes the manager of the IT Department, it becomes apparent that she knows absolutely nothing about computers whatsoever. After Roy and Maurice fail to get rid of her, they instead join forces, as she agrees to help them their reputation improve with other people in the company. There are many things which make this episode funny, such as:
-A cheesy montage of the characters devising a plan, clearly parodying some earlier action films.
-The running joke of the whole IT Department answering the phone with "Have you tried witching it off and on again?"
-The running joke of Jen knowing nothing at all about computers, and constantly getting shown up by Maurice.
-The running joke of Maurice always taking things literally and saying the wrong things at the wrong time.*
-The running joke of Roy failing to pick up any women.
All of these are funny and make the audience laugh. The episode is also packed with other smaller jokes, and some funny lines. It is written in a very slapstick and old fashion way, which was the writers intention. It is very much in the style of "Father Ted" which he also wrote.
*Moss is arguably autistic.