Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Question 1 - Spy Kids

The extract is a spy-comedy hybrid of the Action Adventure genre. Typical conventions include speed and motion when the helicopters attack Ingrid and Gregorio's wedding towards the end of the extract. People are quickly running around, as well as helicopters flying around the wedding. This is very typical of the AA genre as it creates excitement, and makes up the "action" part of the phrase "Action Adventure".

Another typical convention is suspense and jeopardy. This is created when both Ingrid and Gregorio jump off a cliff together. We are briefly lead to believe that this is the end of both characters, which creates a lot of suspense. The fact that they have just thrown themselves off of a cliff also puts them in great jeopardy. Luckily they soon open parachutes so are not in any real danger, but this is still typical of the AA genre.